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kids walking along path in Boranup Forest

Meet the author

Ariana Svenson is a co-author of Lonely Planet’s Experience Western Coast Australia.

She grew up on a farm in Western Australia, and spent her holidays under the stars, fossicking in the Goldfields.  In rural Western Australia you only become a local after 20 or 30 years; so she can truly claim being a ‘WA Local’.  And she doesn’t use the term lightly as it means something in rural communities… a badge of honor earned, so to speak!

Ariana spent her 20’s working in rural development assisting rural communities around WA identify their tourism assets and diversify their farming enterprises, and later working with Parks and Wildlife in their Visitor Services and interpretation areas.  This extensive long-term knowledge of the WA tourism industry, its benefits and impacts are clearly reflected through the blog.

After a stint overseas Ariana returned to Western Australia in 2011 with her Peruvian born daughter and Nicaraguan partner Norman.  With him, Ariana saw WA with new eyes as they began to explore, and she rediscovered Western Australia’s vast, breathtaking beauty.

Norman passed away at 39 years old after a short and horrific battle with Pancreatic Cancer in 2019; Ariana now solo parents their 03 children with a love of travel and the outdoors.
